Will Smith Sampaikan Permintaan Maaf Terkait Insiden di Atas Panggung Oscar 2022

- 29 Maret 2022, 08:30 WIB
Will Smith Sampaikan Permintaan Maaf Terkait Insiden di Atas Panggung Oscar 2022
Will Smith Sampaikan Permintaan Maaf Terkait Insiden di Atas Panggung Oscar 2022 /

ZONABANTEN.com - Insiden penamparan Chris Rock oleh Will Smith dalam acara Academy Wards ke-94 masih menjadi perbincangan hangat. Will Smith, melalui akun instagram pribadinya menyampaikan permintaan maaf atas insiden tersebut.

Dalam gambar yang diunggahnya tersebut dia mengatakan bahwa dia secara publik meminta maaf kepada Chris atas tindakannya.

“Violence in all of its forms is poisonous and destructive. My behavior at last night's Academy Awards was unacceptable and inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are a part of the job, but a joke about Jada’s medical condition was too much for me to bear and I reacted emotionally,” kata Will Smith dalam unggahan tersebut.

“I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. I was out of line and I was wrong. I am embarrassed and my actions were not indicative of the man I want to be. There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness," lanjut Will Smith.

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Dia juga menyampaikan permintaan maafnya kepada para staff Academy Awards dan rekan-rekan dalam filmnya.

“I would also like to apologize to the Academy, the producers of the show, all the attendees, and everyone watching around the world. I would like to apologize to the Williams Family and my King Richard Family. I deeply regret that my behavior has stained what has been an otherwise gorgeous journey for all of us. A am a work in progress. Sincerely, Will,” tutupnya

Chris Rock sendiri diketahui tidak akan mengambil ranah hukum terkait insiden yang menimpa dirinya tersebut.

Dilansir dari we.com, The Los Angeles Police Departement (LAPD) mengatakan bahhwa Entitas investigasi LAPD mengetahui insiden yang terjadi di antara keduanya selama Academy Awards.

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Editor: Yuliansyah

Sumber: nypost NYTimes ew.com


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