Genshin Impact Versi 2.3: Panduan Hangout Event Beidou

- 30 November 2021, 08:05 WIB
Hangout Event Beidou
Hangout Event Beidou /miHoYo

“The presence of dark clouds and strong winds in opposite directions, plus white vortices in the clouds”

Traveler harus menjawab setidaknya dua dari tiga pertanyaan dengan benar untuk lulus kuis.

- The Photography Crew

“I’ve heard there’s a fishing village near Wangshu Inn.”

Baca Juga: Tier List Genshin Impact Versi 2.2 Menurut Tipe Senjatanya, Dari yang Terlemah Hingga Terkuat

- A Smattering of Memories

“Maybe go for something a little… flirtatious?”

Inilah Rute Cerita untuk ending “Flirtatious”:

  • A Special Guest
  • Sailor Training: “The Shield of the Crux”
  • A Little Test
  • The Photography Crew
  • The Nameless Fishing Village
  • The Long Years
  • A Smattering of Memories


Ending 4: Between Us


Editor: Yuliansyah


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